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To Know more about the Different Corporate Training & Consulting Visit our website www.Instrovate.com Or Email : info@instrovate.com or WhatsApp / Call at +91 74289 52788

  1. All the information on TechnicalJockey.com is published for general information purpose only, and for providing the Services as mentioned in the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. As mentioned therein, the knowledge blogs and articles are sourced from third-party authors, over which the Company/App/Website has no ownership.
  2. We do not make any warranties about the completeness, reliability, integrity and accuracy of this information that has been sourced from third parties.
  3. We do not represent or promote any specific organization or industry, nor any specific individual or author, and any views, stances or opinions expressed by any third parties do not reflect the views, stances or opinions of the Company.
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  5. Any actions taken by You based on the said information is strictly at Your own risk and we will not be liable for any losses and/or damages of any kind in connection with the use of our Services and the App/Website. 
  6. Users and Training Users are advised to make adequate inquiries before committing any personal information, either online or in person. 
  7. Technical Jockey utilizes the expertise of industry professionals to provide training for different subject matter, decided at the discretion of the Company.
  8. The training program and materials therein serve as a guide to the subject matter and are not customized for every Training User. The training and advice provided by the Instructor is provided without prejudice and those who act on the training program do so with their own volition and free will without recourse or liability placed on the Instructor, Company or author(s) of the training material.
  9. All the trademarks, trade names, logos or service marks mentioned or used on this Website belong to their respective owners, or to the Company, and are used only for information and indicative purposes by Technical Jockey.
  10. If any owners of any intellectual property do not wish to see their copyrighted/trademarked material on our Website/App, or if any viewer believes that We are in violation of any copyright norms, please write an e-mail to Us at info@instrovate.com or whatsapp at +91 74289 52788