Search for Google Domain on Google
Search for the Domain name of your choice . If you already have a domain , Click “Manage My Domains”
For example I searched for , went to “Add to my Cart” and made payment to buy it .
This is available for me in “My Domains” . Now I need to add a website to it . I will be adding a “Wordpress” website to my Domain that I just purchased.
Click on “Start Trial”
So In Google Domain for Hosting WordPress Site , we have the Blue Host. For the first month Blue Host is free in trial version and after that its 9.99$ per month.
If you want to explore all the Hosting Services from Bluehost , you can visit the Blue Host link directly –
So we have seen how to register a Domain Through Google Domain , and then we are learning how to create a WordPress website . For that we purchased a Trial version of Hosting from “Blue Host” which is free for the first month and thereafter it would be minimum 9.9$ per month depending on the plan .