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Interactive Dashboard In Microsoft Power BI

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Data Analytics PowerBI

Interactive Dashboard In Microsoft Power BI


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In my previous blogs we have gone through few visualizations and created Reports in Power BI. Today’s I will explain how to create dashboard from different reports.

Load data in Power BI:’

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Create 1st report:

Select Customer Id and Order Id and click on bar chart visualization:

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Change page name to Bar Chart and go to page 2:

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Select Customer Id:

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Select Line and Column visualization:

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select stacked line

Drag Sales for Line Value and drag Quantity for Column Value field:

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It is showing Quantity and Sales by Customer Id.

Save this report and click on next page > now we will create a Pie Chart:

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Select Pie Chart:

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Select Segment for Legend field and Customer Id and drop in Value field:

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It displays Segment and count of Customer Id.

Select Consumer area:

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Now let we create a tree map:


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Select Ship mode and Customer Id:

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Now let’s create a report for Sales and Profit by Customer Id:

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Let do some formatting for Chart:

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Go to new page> Now we will create a map:

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Create Country hierarchy:

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Drag and drop State and City under Country hierarchy:

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Select country hierarchy fields

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Add Profit measure:

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Drag Profit margin in color saturation and Sales field in Size field:

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Let’s do some formatting:

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Change result for Sales and Profit margin in percentage:

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Now we will combine all reports on one page to make an interactive dashboard:


Copy all reports and paste and arrange in any order

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I have added a card for Count of customer id.

Now our one interactive report is ready, here we can see results interactively.

For example, select Consumer segment and it will display all result for that particular segment only:

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Now select only one state:

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Here results are for that states only for all charts.

Now our last step is to publish our Report to Power BI site so that we can share our report to others.

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Click on Publish:

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Click on

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It will give us a path where our Report got Published. Click on that path. It will redirect us on Power BI site:

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Select Consumer from Pie chart:

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Here we can see that we have publish a report with all interactivity on web too.

Go to Recent tab:

We can see we have few Report icon and few dashboard icons under Name column:

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Click on dashboard icon:

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Click on Work Space > here we have different place for Dashboard, Reports, workbooks and datasets


Interactive Dashboard In Microsoft Power BI 68Here we can see our Dashboards.

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These all are the Reports that we have already Published.

Few actions are present for reports and dashboard items as well.

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Extend My Workspace arrow:

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Here we can see all items under my workbook sections. (Dashboard, Reports, Dataset)

Now we will create a Dashboard from Reports as reports cannot be share with others, and in order to share reports we need to create Dashboard. Dashboard is a collection of various visualization elements from report.

Pin is a way of adding report elements in to dashboard item.

Go to Reports part> click on Pin visuals:

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Here we have option to add element in existing dashboard or we can create a new one. Let’s we will create a new one:

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Click on Pin

Go to My Workspace:

We can see our new dashboard is created:

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Our new Dashboard is created.

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Select all visualization and Pin to add on same dashboard.


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Pin all the visualization for this Dashboard:

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This is our Dashboard.

We can ask any question from here:

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Ask one question:

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We will get answer form Power BI.

Open menu for our Dashboard:

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We can share Dashboard to anyone who have an account on Power BI.

This was all about creating Power BI Report and Publish on Power BI site, Create a new Dashboard and Share dashboard with others.


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