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R Studio Installation

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R Programming

R Studio Installation


Rstudio is a free and open-source integrated development environment (IDE) for R. It was founded by JJ Allaire.

Installing Rstudio

For using Rstudio , you need to first install it in your computer .

Choose your operating system to download Rstudio

For Windows Vista/Windows 7/Windows 8/Windows 10 users:

Please follow following steps to install Rstudio in your PC/Laptop –

1. Download Rstudio from this link – Rstudio

2. Open the downloaded file name as Rstudio-X.X.X.exe ( version as 1.0.153)

3. Double click Rstudio file to open.

4. The window shows Rstudio Setup . Click Next.

R Studio Installation 29

5. It opens Choose Install Location. Then , click Next again

R Studio Installation 30

6.  It opens Choose Start Menu Folder , click on Next button

R Studio Installation 31

7. The Installing window opens, then it opens up Completing the Rstudio Setup Wizard . Click Finish to finish the setup.

Rstudio is installed in PC/Laptop.

Go to Start button at the bottom left of your computer screen and then choose All Programs and select Rstudio folder and click on Rstudio icon . It will load Rstudio

For Mac OS X users:

1. Download Rstudio from this link – Rstudio

2. Open the file to open . Then , click on Rstudio icon and drag icon to Applications folder .

3. Open Launchpad in desktop icon tray and click on Rstudio icon .

4. There is a popup coming “Rstudio” is an application download from the internet. Are you sure you want t o open it ?

5. Click on Open button , it will open Rstudio for use.

Rstudio is started for use.

For Linux users:

Download Rstudio ,according to your computer’s configuration  

For Ubuntu 16.04+ /Debian 9+ (64-bit) –Rstudio 

For Ubuntu 12.04- 15.10/Debian 8 (32-bit) –Rstudio

For Ubuntu 12.04- 15.10/Debian 8 (64-bit) Rstudio

For Fedora 19+/RedHat 7+/openSUSE 13.1+ (32-bit) –Rstudio

For Fedora 19+/RedHat 7+/openSUSE 13.1+ (64-bit) Rstudio

For Ubuntu users:

2. Open the file to open . Then , right click on Rstudio file and click Open With Gdebi Package Installer.

3. It will opens Package Installer-rstudio  , then click on Install package.

4. It will ask for Password for security. Enter your administrative password and click OK button.

5. After loading and installing automatically , then click on Package Installer -rstudio window . Please click Close button to finish .

6.Close the Package Installer-rstudio window by click on cross symbol on the window.

7. Go to Menu button at the bottom left of your computer screen and search Rstudio and open Rstudio by clicking icon.

Rstudio is load and ready to use.