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SAS Statements & Variables

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Data Analytics SAS

SAS Statements & Variables


It is used to tell SAS how to read a variable. It is used to read data in given format. SAS used to store predefined informats . It is used when you read or import data from either an external file or read in sample data which was created using CARDS/DATALINES statement. Every variable in dataset will have an informat . All informat name contain a period.

The character informat $w. tells SAS to read w columns of character data. The w.d format reads numeric values . The w tells SAS how many columns to read . The optional d tells SAS that there is an implied decimal point in the value. For example , if you have the number 123 and you read it as 3.0 informat , SAS stores it as  123.0 . If you read the same number with 3.1 informat , SAS stores it as 12.3 .  

There are three main classes of informats:

Type                Informat Name     Description

Character       $w.                Reads character data of length w.

Numeric         w.d                Reads numeric data of length w with d decimal points

Date                  MMDDYYw.         Reads date  data in the form of 10-01-95

We create a new dataset having name and salary variables. We used informat on salary variable to read comma formatted data.

data new ;

input name $ salary comma6.;


Sam 4,545

Ram 8,546




SAS Statements & Variables 29

We  create a new dataset to read dollar formatted salary variable.

data new;

input id salary;

informat salary dollar8.;


11 $1,245

12 $4,586




SAS Statements & Variables 30

We create a new dataset to read comma formatted salary variable by using dollar8 informat .

data new;

input id salary;

informat salary dollar8.;


11 1,245

12 4,586




SAS Statements & Variables 31

Format Statement

It is used to tell SAS how to display the values in the variable. SAS used to store predefined formats .

The format for a variable does not have to be same as the informat for the variable. The format statement can be used in either a data step or a proc step.

  • Assigning a format to a variable in a data step will permanently store the variable’s format in the dataset
  • Assigning a format to a variable in a proc step will temporarily store the variable’s format assignment for the proc step.

Formats can be grouped into three classes:

Type                Informat Name     Description

Character       $w.                Displays character data of length w.

Numeric         w.d                Displays numeric data of length w with d decimal points

Date                  MMDDYYw.         Displays date  data in the form of 10-01-95

We apply format on x as 6.2 which means maximum length of 6 digits and included 2 decimal points.

Data new;

input x 6.;

format x 6.2;








SAS Statements & Variables 32

We create a new dataset with format on salary as dollat6. It represent salary in dollar($) form. The total length of salary is 6 bytes.

data new;

input id salary;

format salary dollar6.;


102 4521

103 4875




SAS Statements & Variables 33

We used comma6. to represent salary in comma form. The total length of salary is 6 bytes.

data new ;

input name $ salary comma6.;

format salary comma6.;


Sam 4,545

Ram 8,546




SAS Statements & Variables 34

When we apply comma4. format on salary then it does not display dollar($) and comma(,).

data new ;

input name $ salary comma6.;

format salary comma4.;


Sam 4,545

Ram 8,546




SAS Statements & Variables 35

We used comma6. as informat and dollar8. as format on salary.

data new;

input name$ salary comma6.;

format salary dollar8.;


Dhruv 4,578

Kannu 45,457

Fred 7,548




SAS Statements & Variables 36

We create a new dataset “workers1” as :

data workers1;

length city$10.;

/* Specifying the length for variable City */

input city$ ID$ Gender$ Salbegin;

/* Input Statement to declare variables*/

format  Salbegin dollar8.;


Gurgaon G101 M  27000

Kolkata K102 F  12000

Hyderabad H103 M 30000




SAS Statements & Variables 37

Date Variables

The date values in SAS are stored as the number of days since January 1, 1960 . The stored date values can be negative , if the date is before January 1 , 1960 or positive , if the date is after January 1 , 1960 . For example , the date June 30 , 1997 will be stored  in SAS as 13695 because June 30, 1997 was 13,695 days after January 1 , 1960.

We have different types of informats and formats available :

ddmmyy format

It stores date in day/month/year format . If we assign ddmmyy10. as informat , it will read date 12/10/1986 and store it in numeric digit.

We create a new dataset to read ddmmyy10. as date format .

data new;

input date ddmmyy10.;






It stores the date as numeric digits . In the output, date variable shows 9416 days after January 1 , 1960 as October 12 , 1985 . Similarly , November 4, 1986 shows as 9804 days after January 1 , 1960.


SAS Statements & Variables 38

We create a new dataset to store date in ddmmyy10. format.

data new;

input date ddmmyy10.;

format date ddmmyy10.;







SAS Statements & Variables 39

date format

We are using date. format to display date in daymonthyear format . If we have date as 12/10/1985 , it store as 12OCT1985 . If we used format as date8. then it will store as 12OCT85 .

We create a new dataset to read date as ddmmyy. format , and store it as date. format.

data new;

input date ddmmyy10.;

format date date10.;







SAS Statements & Variables 40

We used date8. as date format to store date in this format .

data new;

input date ddmmyy10.;

format date date8.;







SAS Statements & Variables 41

We create new dataset “diet” to store date and time formats . We used time. format to read time values

DATA diet;

  input subj 1-4 l_name $ 18-23 weight 30-32

        +1 wt_date mmddyy8. @43 b_date mmddyy8.

        @52 wt_time time8.;

  wtm_fmt1 = wt_time;

  wtm_fmt2 = wt_time;

  wtm_fmt3 = wt_time;

  format wtm_fmt1 hhmm.

         wtm_fmt2 hour5.2

         wtm_fmt3 time8.;


1024 Alice       Smith  1 65 125 12/1/05  01/01/60 00:01:00

1167 Maryann     White  1 68 140 12/01/05 01/01/59 00:15:00

1168 Thomas      Jones  2    190 12/2/05  06/15/60 12:00:00

1201 Benedictine Arnold 2 68 190 11/30/05 12/31/60 00:00:00

1302 Felicia     Ho     1 63 115 1/1/06   06/15/58 23:59:59



The wt_time variable store in seconds . It converts time values into seconds. As , you can see wedefine format of wtm_fm1 as hhmm. which stores values in hour :minute format.  we used hour5.2 formate to display wtm-fmt2 in hour format . We used time8. format to represent time in hour:minute:second format.

Output :

SAS Statements & Variables 42