Basic Word Cloud In Tableau

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During my Corporate Tableau Training in Gurgaon , i get questions many time regarding Word Cloud in Tableau .

According to the Wikipedia definition of word cloud “word cloud is a visual representation for text data typically used to depict keyword metadata (tags) on websites, or to visualize free form text.”

So, if we have to analyze the overall Sales of the various States that we are dealing in and do not want to concentrate on the value of the Sales we can do it best with Word Cloud.

Let’s move ahead and create a simple Word Cloud for a better understanding and since we are quite acquainted with the Sample Superstore data set we’ll use the same for this chart.

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Connect Tableau to your dataset i.e Sample Superstore in this case and drag Order table to the preview space and go to Sheet.


Drag States from the data pane to the Text in the Marks shelf and Sales from the Measures of data pane to the Size in Marks Shelf. Also change the Marks shelf from Automatic to Text from the drop down.

The Viz will look like below:


Drag Sales from the Measures of data pane to the Color in the Marks shelf. The Word Cloud will look like below:

To add few details to the Word Cloud we can also drag Profit from the Measure of the data pane to the colors. So, the Viz will give the analysis of State vise Sales & Profit like below:

Let’s move ahead and look at another example: Analyze the Sales of various Sub Categories Showing their Categories and Sales across different years.


After connecting Tableau to Sample Superstore data set and dragging Orders table to the preview shelf we move to the sheets.

Drag Sub Categories to Text in the Marks shelf and Sales from the data pane to the Size in the Marks shelf. Change the Marks shelf from Automatic to Text. The result will be the Word Cloud as below:


Drag Categories from the Data pane to the Colors on the Marks shelf to result in below viz:


Since we want to analyze the performance of various Sub Categories across various Years we will drop Order Date from the data pane to the Filter shelf and choose Years and click on Next to get the below poop-up. Choose all the Years here and click Apply.

Once you have Year (Order Date) in the Filter shelf right click on it to open the drop down and choose Show Filter. The Year filter will be available on the right Side of the workbook and can be edited accordingly by the drop down on its right side.

The final Word Cloud will look as below:

The Sub Categories Word Cloud will change with the change in Years.

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You Can either Watch the Video on our YouTube Channel –  ( Don’t Forget to Subscribe by Clicking Red Button ) or You can read the Blog Above with Step By Step Instruction to Understand the Concept in Tableau 

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